Learn How to Speak German - Taking the First Step
For the average Anglophone, learning how to speak German could be quite the long and arduous journey to begin. But as the saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Learning how to speak German, like any language, has its challenges such as learning a new vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. But let's not forget, there are interesting things you will learn and experience such as the German culture and history.
Learning how to speak German is possible for an adult because like children, adults can still adjust to the changes needed to learn German. Even though the learning process of a child's ability to become proficient in a foreign language is faster than an adult, the capability is there. Hence your ability to learn how to speak German entirely depends on how interested and determined you are in achieving your goal.
You can take the first step achieve your goal to learn how to speak German with an excellent online course: Rocket German.
Learn How to Speak German
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How to Speak German - Pay Attention to Details
As you learn how to speak German you should strive for precision when communicating in German. Why? Because the German language is structured this way and if you omit this precision or details when speaking German, then an important part of your communication will be missing. This is especially important when using German verbs. Take care to choose the right verb for the right situation.
In English we just go places whereas in German you have to state HOW you are going to get to a place and use the appropriate verb for the appropriate situation. See the following examples:
Notice that using the right verb describes precisely HOW you are going to get to a particular place. Never assume that you can use the verb gehen in German as the same way you would use go in English. Because if you say "ich gehe nach Berlin" and you are over 500 km away in Munich then your German friend will think that you are walking 500 km to Berlin (and of course he/she will have a good laugh). Remembering to stay precise when you are expressing yourself in German will help you to learn how to speak German and not get quizzical looks or smirks from your German friends.
Learn How to Speak German
As you learn how to speak German you should strive for precision when communicating in German. Why? Because the German language is structured this way and if you omit this precision or details when speaking German, then an important part of your communication will be missing. This is especially important when using German verbs. Take care to choose the right verb for the right situation.
In English we just go places whereas in German you have to state HOW you are going to get to a place and use the appropriate verb for the appropriate situation. See the following examples:
I'm going to the bus stop.
Ich gehe zur Bushaltestelle. (gehen = to walk)
I'm going to Düsseldorf.
Ich fahre nach Düsseldorf. (fahren = to drive or ride in a vehicle)
I'm going to Greece.
Ich reise nach Griechenland. (reisen = to travel some distance for a period of time)
I'm going to Brazil.
Ich fliege nach Brasilien. (fliegen = to fly on an airplane)
Notice that using the right verb describes precisely HOW you are going to get to a particular place. Never assume that you can use the verb gehen in German as the same way you would use go in English. Because if you say "ich gehe nach Berlin" and you are over 500 km away in Munich then your German friend will think that you are walking 500 km to Berlin (and of course he/she will have a good laugh). Remembering to stay precise when you are expressing yourself in German will help you to learn how to speak German and not get quizzical looks or smirks from your German friends.
Learn How to Speak German
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Learn How to Speak German
Learn How to Speak German - How to PUT up with German
It's fascinating how the words that make up a language can define your reality. Let's take verbs as an example. In English the verb put can refer to a object, person or thing no matter its place or position in space.
In German to put an object, person or thing is relative to its position and place in space. The German language has a more exacting and informative way of describing reality. Thus, there are variations of the verb put used to describe the position of the object, person or thing in space:
legen (to lay something horizontally on a surface),
setzen (to set or sit something on a surface),
stehen (to stand something vertically on a surface) and
stecken (to stick something into a container)
Here are some Examples:
I put the baby in the crib.
Ich lege das Baby auf das Kinderbett.
I put the pillow on the sofa.
Ich setze das Kissen auf das Sofa.
I put the sports trophy on the shelf.
Ich stehe das Siegeszeichen auf das Regalbrett.
I put the turkey into the oven.
Ich stecke den Truthan in den Ofen.
This can seem to make learning how to speak German an unfeasible task. But when you stop to think about it, English has the same precision to indicate "putting" things such as when we "lay", "stand", "stick", or "set" something on or in a surface. But we usually opt for the all purpose and more vague word "put".
Learn How to Speak German
It's fascinating how the words that make up a language can define your reality. Let's take verbs as an example. In English the verb put can refer to a object, person or thing no matter its place or position in space.
In German to put an object, person or thing is relative to its position and place in space. The German language has a more exacting and informative way of describing reality. Thus, there are variations of the verb put used to describe the position of the object, person or thing in space:
legen (to lay something horizontally on a surface),
setzen (to set or sit something on a surface),
stehen (to stand something vertically on a surface) and
stecken (to stick something into a container)
Here are some Examples:
I put the baby in the crib.
Ich lege das Baby auf das Kinderbett.
I put the pillow on the sofa.
Ich setze das Kissen auf das Sofa.
I put the sports trophy on the shelf.
Ich stehe das Siegeszeichen auf das Regalbrett.
I put the turkey into the oven.
Ich stecke den Truthan in den Ofen.
This can seem to make learning how to speak German an unfeasible task. But when you stop to think about it, English has the same precision to indicate "putting" things such as when we "lay", "stand", "stick", or "set" something on or in a surface. But we usually opt for the all purpose and more vague word "put".
Learn How to Speak German
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Learn How to Speak German
Learn How to Speak German - It's A Good Thing to Do
Recently in the news, I came upon an article by Steve McGookin titled, "Happy countries, committed workers" about a study done by Dr. Garry Gelade to determine the factors that produce committed workers. I was struck by the fact Denmark and the Netherlands scored high (i.e. had contented workers)and I also noticed that both countries had multilingual employees and German was one of the spoken "second" languages as the article states, "Denmark has high numbers of multilingual staff: 80%of the Danish workforce speak English, 53% speak German and 11% speak French." and "The literacy rate in the Netherlands is unusually high, about 99%, while much of the Dutch workforce is multilingual. Most Dutch are fluent in English, and more than half speak German fluently, and a quarter French."
So it would seem that to learn how to speak German is also increasingly useful since more Central and Eastern European countries, where German often surpasses English as the second most spoken language, have joined the EU. Thus whether you are planning on going skiing in the Swiss Alps, clubbing in Berlin or sampling the high culture of imperial Vienna, a little Deutsch will go a long way.
Learn How to Speak German
Recently in the news, I came upon an article by Steve McGookin titled, "Happy countries, committed workers" about a study done by Dr. Garry Gelade to determine the factors that produce committed workers. I was struck by the fact Denmark and the Netherlands scored high (i.e. had contented workers)and I also noticed that both countries had multilingual employees and German was one of the spoken "second" languages as the article states, "Denmark has high numbers of multilingual staff: 80%of the Danish workforce speak English, 53% speak German and 11% speak French." and "The literacy rate in the Netherlands is unusually high, about 99%, while much of the Dutch workforce is multilingual. Most Dutch are fluent in English, and more than half speak German fluently, and a quarter French."
So it would seem that to learn how to speak German is also increasingly useful since more Central and Eastern European countries, where German often surpasses English as the second most spoken language, have joined the EU. Thus whether you are planning on going skiing in the Swiss Alps, clubbing in Berlin or sampling the high culture of imperial Vienna, a little Deutsch will go a long way.
Learn How to Speak German
Learn How to Speak German
Learn How to Speak German - Music: The Universal Language
Music is the language we all can understand or at the very least appreciate. It is also a great way to help you learn how to speak German by improving your accent and vocabulary. Simply find a German version of a song by your favorite artist...you'd be surprised at what's available out there...and listen and learn. Check out this German version of Rihanna's song "Unfaithful" compliments of YouTube.
Learn How to Speak German
Music is the language we all can understand or at the very least appreciate. It is also a great way to help you learn how to speak German by improving your accent and vocabulary. Simply find a German version of a song by your favorite artist...you'd be surprised at what's available out there...and listen and learn. Check out this German version of Rihanna's song "Unfaithful" compliments of YouTube.
Learn How to Speak German
Monday, August 18, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - A German Booster Shot
How can you NOT love German!!!! It's sounds so cool. Don't believe me? Well, here's a short 4 minute sample to make you a believer, compliments of travelling linguist, so that YOU will want to learn how to speak German and be the better for it.
Learn How To Speak German
How can you NOT love German!!!! It's sounds so cool. Don't believe me? Well, here's a short 4 minute sample to make you a believer, compliments of travelling linguist, so that YOU will want to learn how to speak German and be the better for it.
Learn How To Speak German
Monday, August 11, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - 3 Easy Tips To Keep You Motivated
Move me momma! Just to jump right in and say it like it is. We all know that there are many different types of motivation, but the type that we are concerned with is intrinsic verses extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the desire to do something that pleases you and makes you pat yourself on the back. Most studies have shown it to be much more effective in long-term language learning than extrinsic motivation (for an external reward such as impressing the boss or your peers). Unfortunately, most of us are not lucky enough to hire a personal pep squad or self-improvement coach to keep us motivated. Yes, you are going to have to find the power within yourself. It seems that to become fluent in German will take time and perseverance, so how can you stay motivated?
1. Fraternal Twins Separated At Birth
Yes, the process of learning German can be very stressful but keep in mind the cool thing about German is that modern German and modern English both originated from the common Germanic ancestor language and despite their distinct differences, the two languages share many similarities in both vocabulary and grammar. Also, German is spelled phonetically. This means that once you learn the system of sounds, it is easy to predict how the spoken word is written and how the written word is pronounced. Know your German ABCs.
2. Oktoberfest Anyone?
If your ultimate goal is to learn to speak German fluently, then it is important to know that you will become more fluent quickly if you maximize your language exposure. You can start by simply practicing the language with a classmate outside of class. You can befriend native speakers in your community or attend a local foreign language conversation hour, if one exists. Rent a German DVD, or listen to authentic German audio or video online. Or you could attend your local Oktoberfest or plan a trip to attend the world famous Munich Oktoberfest. The first the first Oktoberfest was held on October 12, 1810 and lasted 6 days. The festivities were in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. In Munich the “die Wiesen” (as the locals call it) starts around late September and lasts for sixteen days up to the first Sunday in October. The festival is a vibrant venue where you can eat sauerkraut, drink German beer, practice your German and expose yourself to Bavarian culture.
3. The Gift Of The Gab
Whenever possible, speak German aloud rather than reciting it silently to yourself. Say vocabulary words out loud, read passages in the text aloud, and do pronunciation activities orally. Transferring language from your mind to your mouth is a skill that requires a great deal of practice. And you should practice German actively frequently.
The process of learning German can be very stressful, and the impact of your own positive or negative attitudes can be critical to your learning. Self-motivation is the key to staying on track and achieving fluency. Because German and English have similarities, you have a head start when learning German. Ultimately, to learn to speak German online or otherwise is all about you. Therefore, you must play an active role in your learning by jumping at the opportunities to speak, listen and comprehend German. You'll meet new people, make new friends and most importantly, learn German fluently.
Learn How To Speak German

Move me momma! Just to jump right in and say it like it is. We all know that there are many different types of motivation, but the type that we are concerned with is intrinsic verses extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the desire to do something that pleases you and makes you pat yourself on the back. Most studies have shown it to be much more effective in long-term language learning than extrinsic motivation (for an external reward such as impressing the boss or your peers). Unfortunately, most of us are not lucky enough to hire a personal pep squad or self-improvement coach to keep us motivated. Yes, you are going to have to find the power within yourself. It seems that to become fluent in German will take time and perseverance, so how can you stay motivated?
1. Fraternal Twins Separated At Birth
Yes, the process of learning German can be very stressful but keep in mind the cool thing about German is that modern German and modern English both originated from the common Germanic ancestor language and despite their distinct differences, the two languages share many similarities in both vocabulary and grammar. Also, German is spelled phonetically. This means that once you learn the system of sounds, it is easy to predict how the spoken word is written and how the written word is pronounced. Know your German ABCs.
2. Oktoberfest Anyone?
If your ultimate goal is to learn to speak German fluently, then it is important to know that you will become more fluent quickly if you maximize your language exposure. You can start by simply practicing the language with a classmate outside of class. You can befriend native speakers in your community or attend a local foreign language conversation hour, if one exists. Rent a German DVD, or listen to authentic German audio or video online. Or you could attend your local Oktoberfest or plan a trip to attend the world famous Munich Oktoberfest. The first the first Oktoberfest was held on October 12, 1810 and lasted 6 days. The festivities were in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. In Munich the “die Wiesen” (as the locals call it) starts around late September and lasts for sixteen days up to the first Sunday in October. The festival is a vibrant venue where you can eat sauerkraut, drink German beer, practice your German and expose yourself to Bavarian culture.
3. The Gift Of The Gab
Whenever possible, speak German aloud rather than reciting it silently to yourself. Say vocabulary words out loud, read passages in the text aloud, and do pronunciation activities orally. Transferring language from your mind to your mouth is a skill that requires a great deal of practice. And you should practice German actively frequently.
The process of learning German can be very stressful, and the impact of your own positive or negative attitudes can be critical to your learning. Self-motivation is the key to staying on track and achieving fluency. Because German and English have similarities, you have a head start when learning German. Ultimately, to learn to speak German online or otherwise is all about you. Therefore, you must play an active role in your learning by jumping at the opportunities to speak, listen and comprehend German. You'll meet new people, make new friends and most importantly, learn German fluently.
Learn How To Speak German

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How to Speak German - The 4-1-1 to Learn How to Speak German
For those of you who want to learn to speak German online, the good news is that you have made a wise choice that is, only if your online course uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to help you learn. First, in order to learn German quickly, you must be self-motivated. Lack of motivation will result in wasting your money, time and your inability to learn how to speak German. Second, no matter how great your German teacher/tutor, German school or online course is, if you have no desire, you will not learn German. And lastly, research has shown that with motivation and desire you need to utilize learning and communication strategies to empower you to learn to speak fluent German in the most sure-footed way.
Learning strategies are techniques used to improve learning, such as mnemonics or using a dictionary. You can implement any of the following learning strategies to further assist you to learn how to speak German:
1. Find out your learning style. Ask yourself this question, how do I learn or process information? Once you know how you receive and retain information, you will be able to find the learning activity that is best studied for your learning style. For example, I am a visual/tactile learner and I prefer to receive German vocabulary in the form of picture and then write the word under the picture. In this way, I will be more inclined to remember and learn German vocabulary. There is a wealth of information on how you can use various activities geared to your learning style such as Game software, flash cards, Audio lessons, etc. which any good online German course should include.
2. Find a community. If you learn German in a community with a positive attitude toward German, it can have a profound impact on your learning to speak German fluently. It is all about networking. You can find a German forum or study group or join an Austrian social club that can give you more exposure to use and hear German. Once again, a good online course should have the resources that allow you easy access to communicate with native-German speakers, fellow students and/or teachers.
Communicative strategies are techniques used to get the meaning across even when you have little or no knowledge of the language. To be able to communicate in German to native-German speakers, especially verbally, is vital.
· Using objects, pictures, mime are things that you can do to communicate on a basic level. This is a quick technique to build up your vocabulary especially if you are trying to say something but unable to find/recall the German word.
· Engaging in conversation is an excellent way to fine-tune your speaking, listening and comprehensive skills. You always should try to have conversation with an individual who is at a higher-level in German than you.
Remember that even if you are highly motivated but remain unwilling to use these strategies, your learning and progress of German will stagnate. Having a solid footing with an excellent German course plus these two strategies will assist you to eventually learn German fluently, quickly and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

For those of you who want to learn to speak German online, the good news is that you have made a wise choice that is, only if your online course uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to help you learn. First, in order to learn German quickly, you must be self-motivated. Lack of motivation will result in wasting your money, time and your inability to learn how to speak German. Second, no matter how great your German teacher/tutor, German school or online course is, if you have no desire, you will not learn German. And lastly, research has shown that with motivation and desire you need to utilize learning and communication strategies to empower you to learn to speak fluent German in the most sure-footed way.
Learning strategies are techniques used to improve learning, such as mnemonics or using a dictionary. You can implement any of the following learning strategies to further assist you to learn how to speak German:
1. Find out your learning style. Ask yourself this question, how do I learn or process information? Once you know how you receive and retain information, you will be able to find the learning activity that is best studied for your learning style. For example, I am a visual/tactile learner and I prefer to receive German vocabulary in the form of picture and then write the word under the picture. In this way, I will be more inclined to remember and learn German vocabulary. There is a wealth of information on how you can use various activities geared to your learning style such as Game software, flash cards, Audio lessons, etc. which any good online German course should include.
2. Find a community. If you learn German in a community with a positive attitude toward German, it can have a profound impact on your learning to speak German fluently. It is all about networking. You can find a German forum or study group or join an Austrian social club that can give you more exposure to use and hear German. Once again, a good online course should have the resources that allow you easy access to communicate with native-German speakers, fellow students and/or teachers.
Communicative strategies are techniques used to get the meaning across even when you have little or no knowledge of the language. To be able to communicate in German to native-German speakers, especially verbally, is vital.
· Using objects, pictures, mime are things that you can do to communicate on a basic level. This is a quick technique to build up your vocabulary especially if you are trying to say something but unable to find/recall the German word.
· Engaging in conversation is an excellent way to fine-tune your speaking, listening and comprehensive skills. You always should try to have conversation with an individual who is at a higher-level in German than you.
Remember that even if you are highly motivated but remain unwilling to use these strategies, your learning and progress of German will stagnate. Having a solid footing with an excellent German course plus these two strategies will assist you to eventually learn German fluently, quickly and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

Monday, July 21, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Discover The Missing Link
If you are reading this, I can assume that you have a desire to learn to speak German and your choice to learn German is secure. But you need to know the most important factor to get you learn to speak German quickly and effectively. Unfortunately, most language students overlook this crucial link when they decide to learn German. So, what is this missing link?
But, first things first, you need to find a reputable course that can meet your needs. Now, if you are a person who has no time in your schedule or money to attend a language school, to hire a private tutor, or to live in Germany for 2 years, then you should seriously consider finding an online German course. Learning a foreign language online these days is feasible but you need to find the right course for you. You need to find an online course that has an excellent quality of teaching tools and resources, several varieties of teaching techniques, portability for convenience, accessibility to teachers and your peers, and lastly, affordability.
Now the missing link is that you need to identify your learning style. Many people are not aware of their learning style. Remember your classes in high school or college? Everyone has his/her own learning style and everyone learns at a different pace. According to the popular Index of Learning Styles model developed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman, there are four groups of learning styles with each group treated as a continuum with one learning preference on the far left and the other on the far right. To help you find your learning style, here is a quick run-down of the 4 groups:
· The Sensory and Intuitive group. Sensory learners look for the facts and prefer concrete, practical, and procedural information. Intuitive learners look for the meaning and prefer conceptual, innovative and theoretical information.
· The Visual and Verbal group. Visual learners look for visual representation of information such as pictures, graphs and diagrams. Verbal learners look for explanations with words and prefer to hear or read information.
· The Active and Reflective group. Active learners thrive doing group work and prefer hands-on activities. Reflective learners enjoy problem solving and prefer to use to think things through, to evaluate options, and learn by analysis.
· The Sequential and Global group. Sequential learner put the details together linearly to understand the whole picture and prefer to have information given in a step a to step b, orderly manner. Global learners can visualize the big picture first and then they add the details and prefer a holistic and systematic approach.
Once you know where your preferences lie on the continuum of each of these groups, you can begin to move beyond those preferences and develop a more balanced approach to learning. Remember balance is the key. If you learn to speak German online the products are designed with these learning styles in mind and hence you are able to learn at your own pace, time and convenience. In this way you will be able to learn German fluently by improving your learning effectiveness and your ability to take in new information and make sense of it quickly, accurately, and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

If you are reading this, I can assume that you have a desire to learn to speak German and your choice to learn German is secure. But you need to know the most important factor to get you learn to speak German quickly and effectively. Unfortunately, most language students overlook this crucial link when they decide to learn German. So, what is this missing link?
But, first things first, you need to find a reputable course that can meet your needs. Now, if you are a person who has no time in your schedule or money to attend a language school, to hire a private tutor, or to live in Germany for 2 years, then you should seriously consider finding an online German course. Learning a foreign language online these days is feasible but you need to find the right course for you. You need to find an online course that has an excellent quality of teaching tools and resources, several varieties of teaching techniques, portability for convenience, accessibility to teachers and your peers, and lastly, affordability.
Now the missing link is that you need to identify your learning style. Many people are not aware of their learning style. Remember your classes in high school or college? Everyone has his/her own learning style and everyone learns at a different pace. According to the popular Index of Learning Styles model developed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman, there are four groups of learning styles with each group treated as a continuum with one learning preference on the far left and the other on the far right. To help you find your learning style, here is a quick run-down of the 4 groups:
· The Sensory and Intuitive group. Sensory learners look for the facts and prefer concrete, practical, and procedural information. Intuitive learners look for the meaning and prefer conceptual, innovative and theoretical information.
· The Visual and Verbal group. Visual learners look for visual representation of information such as pictures, graphs and diagrams. Verbal learners look for explanations with words and prefer to hear or read information.
· The Active and Reflective group. Active learners thrive doing group work and prefer hands-on activities. Reflective learners enjoy problem solving and prefer to use to think things through, to evaluate options, and learn by analysis.
· The Sequential and Global group. Sequential learner put the details together linearly to understand the whole picture and prefer to have information given in a step a to step b, orderly manner. Global learners can visualize the big picture first and then they add the details and prefer a holistic and systematic approach.
Once you know where your preferences lie on the continuum of each of these groups, you can begin to move beyond those preferences and develop a more balanced approach to learning. Remember balance is the key. If you learn to speak German online the products are designed with these learning styles in mind and hence you are able to learn at your own pace, time and convenience. In this way you will be able to learn German fluently by improving your learning effectiveness and your ability to take in new information and make sense of it quickly, accurately, and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

Friday, July 11, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - All you have to do is TALK, TALK
If English is your mother tongue, then learning German is definitely easier than learning a non-European language. But your goal should be to choose the right course or methodology to learn how to speak German. This is of course a crucial step that can make learning German a smooth or bumpy ride.
For example, German grammar is hard. However, studying grammar is not the best or the fastest way to learn how to speak German. The ideal language course will get you involved in living the language, through role-plays, discussions, and games to get you used to speaking German. You can also find plenty of interesting ways to speak and listen to German.
Learn How To Speak German
If English is your mother tongue, then learning German is definitely easier than learning a non-European language. But your goal should be to choose the right course or methodology to learn how to speak German. This is of course a crucial step that can make learning German a smooth or bumpy ride.
For example, German grammar is hard. However, studying grammar is not the best or the fastest way to learn how to speak German. The ideal language course will get you involved in living the language, through role-plays, discussions, and games to get you used to speaking German. You can also find plenty of interesting ways to speak and listen to German.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Every Reason Is The Right Reason
Why learn German? There is no wrong answer to that question because every reason is the right reason. We all have the ability to learn and communicate in other languages, so why not German? Most of us are unaware that the German and English languages are related, so in some ways we have an advantage to learn to speak German quickly. But let us not forget that there are a number of German sounds that differ from English sounds, and the grammar and word order is different.
Most people also do not realize that learning a foreign language improves our memory, math skills, analytical skills, and problems solving skills. And not to mention, it also increases our critical thinking and creativity. Furthermore, learning a foreign language, such as German, actually improves our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. Whatever the reason, learning German, or any language, can only improve your quality of life.
One of the best ways to learn how to speak German is to find an online course that suits your criteria. The following is a brief run-down of one of these online courses that is worthy enough to take the time to write about:
So, why learn to speak German online with this innovative course? It is convenient. If you are one of the privileged few, who have limitless time on their hands, then go ahead and sign up for an expensive private tutor or join a language school and read no further. But, if you are like the rest of us, who have to juggle family, work, et cetera and are pressed for time, then this online course is a wonderful luxury to have if you want to learn fluent German. You can learn German easily at home on your own time and on your own terms.
It is user-friendly. The material consists of 31 audio lessons, written resources, and interactive games. You can do the lessons on screen, or if you choose, you can print them out and learn at your leisure. Each audio lesson is about 25 minutes long.
It is portable. You can access this engaging and easy to understand multimedia package using your computer, CD player or mp3 and learn anywhere.
It is interactive. The course package includes 3 interactive games. The first game is called MegaVocab, and is designed to boost your vocabulary skills. A great feature to this game is that it allows you to learn German vocabulary by adding your own pictures and words and continue to build upon your old vocabulary. This allows you to use this game for as long as you're learning to speak German. The second game is called MegaAudio. This game contains over 1000 words over 20 different topics. This game helps improve your recognition and pronunciation of German words, which is an important part of learning to speak German. The third game is called MegaVerbs designed to familiarize you with how the verbs in German are used, and how they change through the different tenses.
Lastly, the program also offers a vocabulary flash card game that has thousands of words programmed into it which teaches verbs in a game format making this portion of language learning less exhausting. There is also an online forum available so that you have instant access to native German speakers, teachers and fellow students. And compared to the other high quality online courses, it is affordable.
What better way to learn German quickly and to quote a Czech Proverb, "learn a new language and get a new soul" with this dynamic online German course? Learn German fluently and expand your horizons, you have no reason not to.
Learn How To Speak German

Why learn German? There is no wrong answer to that question because every reason is the right reason. We all have the ability to learn and communicate in other languages, so why not German? Most of us are unaware that the German and English languages are related, so in some ways we have an advantage to learn to speak German quickly. But let us not forget that there are a number of German sounds that differ from English sounds, and the grammar and word order is different.
Most people also do not realize that learning a foreign language improves our memory, math skills, analytical skills, and problems solving skills. And not to mention, it also increases our critical thinking and creativity. Furthermore, learning a foreign language, such as German, actually improves our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. Whatever the reason, learning German, or any language, can only improve your quality of life.
One of the best ways to learn how to speak German is to find an online course that suits your criteria. The following is a brief run-down of one of these online courses that is worthy enough to take the time to write about:
So, why learn to speak German online with this innovative course? It is convenient. If you are one of the privileged few, who have limitless time on their hands, then go ahead and sign up for an expensive private tutor or join a language school and read no further. But, if you are like the rest of us, who have to juggle family, work, et cetera and are pressed for time, then this online course is a wonderful luxury to have if you want to learn fluent German. You can learn German easily at home on your own time and on your own terms.
It is user-friendly. The material consists of 31 audio lessons, written resources, and interactive games. You can do the lessons on screen, or if you choose, you can print them out and learn at your leisure. Each audio lesson is about 25 minutes long.
It is portable. You can access this engaging and easy to understand multimedia package using your computer, CD player or mp3 and learn anywhere.
It is interactive. The course package includes 3 interactive games. The first game is called MegaVocab, and is designed to boost your vocabulary skills. A great feature to this game is that it allows you to learn German vocabulary by adding your own pictures and words and continue to build upon your old vocabulary. This allows you to use this game for as long as you're learning to speak German. The second game is called MegaAudio. This game contains over 1000 words over 20 different topics. This game helps improve your recognition and pronunciation of German words, which is an important part of learning to speak German. The third game is called MegaVerbs designed to familiarize you with how the verbs in German are used, and how they change through the different tenses.
Lastly, the program also offers a vocabulary flash card game that has thousands of words programmed into it which teaches verbs in a game format making this portion of language learning less exhausting. There is also an online forum available so that you have instant access to native German speakers, teachers and fellow students. And compared to the other high quality online courses, it is affordable.
What better way to learn German quickly and to quote a Czech Proverb, "learn a new language and get a new soul" with this dynamic online German course? Learn German fluently and expand your horizons, you have no reason not to.
Learn How To Speak German

Friday, June 27, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Formal and Informal German
You can learn to speak German if you know when to use Sie as a formal way of addressing people:
* in formal situations
* when addressing elder people
* when addressing people you do not know well
* When addressing strangers such as salesclerks, bank tellers, etc.
You can learn to speak German if you know when to use du as an informal way of addressing people:
*at informal situations
*when addressing children, friends and family members
The following examples show you two different ways of saying in German "Have you booked the flight?" .
In a travel agency you will ask the person behind the counter:
In English: Have you booked the flight?
In German: Haben Sie den Flug gebucht?
But you would ask a friend like this:
In English: Have you booked the flight?
In German: Hast du den Flug gebucht?
Remember: When in doubt always use the Formal way so as not to offend anyone due to the fact that this distinction is of great importance to German-speaking people.
Learn To Speak German
You can learn to speak German if you know when to use Sie as a formal way of addressing people:
* in formal situations
* when addressing elder people
* when addressing people you do not know well
* When addressing strangers such as salesclerks, bank tellers, etc.
You can learn to speak German if you know when to use du as an informal way of addressing people:
*at informal situations
*when addressing children, friends and family members
The following examples show you two different ways of saying in German "Have you booked the flight?" .
In a travel agency you will ask the person behind the counter:
In English: Have you booked the flight?
In German: Haben Sie den Flug gebucht?
But you would ask a friend like this:
In English: Have you booked the flight?
In German: Hast du den Flug gebucht?
Remember: When in doubt always use the Formal way so as not to offend anyone due to the fact that this distinction is of great importance to German-speaking people.
Learn To Speak German
Friday, June 20, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - The German Noun
A smart way to learn how to speak German is to start with mastering the German nouns. As you may recall, to indicate a specific person, place, animal, event, thing or idea you MUST use a definite article (the) with the Noun. There are 3 German genders. The masculine (the) is der, feminine (the) is die, and the neutral or neuter (the) is das.
Do not try to associate the gender to a particular concept or meaning. For example, the German word for ocean or sea exists in 3 different genders: die Sie, der Ozean, das Meer. Instead you should try to learn each noun with its article. That is to treat the noun and its article as "one" word and learn German nouns as der Wagen (car) and not Wagen.
By treating German nouns as an integral part of the word, you will avoid mistakes such as confusing "das Tor" (the gate) with "der Tor" (the fool).
The good news is that most of the German nouns are masculine, so if you need to take an educated guess...go for "der".
Learn How To Speak German.
A smart way to learn how to speak German is to start with mastering the German nouns. As you may recall, to indicate a specific person, place, animal, event, thing or idea you MUST use a definite article (the) with the Noun. There are 3 German genders. The masculine (the) is der, feminine (the) is die, and the neutral or neuter (the) is das.
Do not try to associate the gender to a particular concept or meaning. For example, the German word for ocean or sea exists in 3 different genders: die Sie, der Ozean, das Meer. Instead you should try to learn each noun with its article. That is to treat the noun and its article as "one" word and learn German nouns as der Wagen (car) and not Wagen.
By treating German nouns as an integral part of the word, you will avoid mistakes such as confusing "das Tor" (the gate) with "der Tor" (the fool).

The good news is that most of the German nouns are masculine, so if you need to take an educated guess...go for "der".
Learn How To Speak German.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Numbers
What would life be without numbers? Love them or hate them, we need numbers to function in our daily lives. The same is true when you want to learn how to speak German effectively. One way to learn how to speak German is to practice using German numbers as you go about your daily tasks such as grocery shopping for instance.
German numbers from 1 - 12 are very straight forward and easy to pronounce and put to memory. However, there are a few patterns with the numbers that follow:
Pattern of the Teens:
The numbers 13 to 19 all start with the same number used for 1 - 9 and end in the number for 10 "zehn". Example 13 = dreizehn, 14 = vierzehn,...19 = neunzehn.
Pattern of TEN:
The numbers 20, 40 - 90 start with the pratically the same words used for 1 - 9 and end with "zig" with 20 zwanzig and 30 dreißig being the only exceptions. For example, 40 vierzig, 50 fünfzig, 60 sechzig, 70 siebzig, 80 achtzig, and 90 neunzig.
Pattern of the "one-and-twenty","two-and-twenty...etc"
The numbers 21 - 29;31 - 39;41 - 49;51 - 59;61 - 69;71 - 79;81 - 89 and 91 - 99 all have the one-and-twenty, two-and-twenty pattern. For example, 31 = einunddreißig; 44 = vierundvierzig; 55 = fünfundfünfzig; 67 = siebenundsechzig; 78 = achtundsiebzig; 82 = zweiundachtzig and 99 = neunundneunzig.
Isn't German cool? As long as you master 1 - 12, the rest will come naturally as you learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
What would life be without numbers? Love them or hate them, we need numbers to function in our daily lives. The same is true when you want to learn how to speak German effectively. One way to learn how to speak German is to practice using German numbers as you go about your daily tasks such as grocery shopping for instance.
German numbers from 1 - 12 are very straight forward and easy to pronounce and put to memory. However, there are a few patterns with the numbers that follow:
Pattern of the Teens:
The numbers 13 to 19 all start with the same number used for 1 - 9 and end in the number for 10 "zehn". Example 13 = dreizehn, 14 = vierzehn,...19 = neunzehn.
Pattern of TEN:
The numbers 20, 40 - 90 start with the pratically the same words used for 1 - 9 and end with "zig" with 20 zwanzig and 30 dreißig being the only exceptions. For example, 40 vierzig, 50 fünfzig, 60 sechzig, 70 siebzig, 80 achtzig, and 90 neunzig.
Pattern of the "one-and-twenty","two-and-twenty...etc"
The numbers 21 - 29;31 - 39;41 - 49;51 - 59;61 - 69;71 - 79;81 - 89 and 91 - 99 all have the one-and-twenty, two-and-twenty pattern. For example, 31 = einunddreißig; 44 = vierundvierzig; 55 = fünfundfünfzig; 67 = siebenundsechzig; 78 = achtundsiebzig; 82 = zweiundachtzig and 99 = neunundneunzig.
Isn't German cool? As long as you master 1 - 12, the rest will come naturally as you learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, June 6, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Back To The Basics (Part 4)
The last of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to speak. It is much easier to understand German when spoken than it is to express yourself in German. Why? Because it is less difficult to translate German into English when you hear it, compared to when you have to translate English into German when you want to speak it. This is because there are German words that we can recognize easily when hearing German called "passive vocabulary". And there are German words that we struggle to recall when speaking German called "active vocabulary", but when heard we instantly remember them. You should aim to get more experience listening to and speaking real day-to-day German. More exposure to German, as it is spoken on the street, will improve your oral proficiency and make your spoken German sound more natural and less like your German textbook.
Learn How To Speak German
The last of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to speak. It is much easier to understand German when spoken than it is to express yourself in German. Why? Because it is less difficult to translate German into English when you hear it, compared to when you have to translate English into German when you want to speak it. This is because there are German words that we can recognize easily when hearing German called "passive vocabulary". And there are German words that we struggle to recall when speaking German called "active vocabulary", but when heard we instantly remember them. You should aim to get more experience listening to and speaking real day-to-day German. More exposure to German, as it is spoken on the street, will improve your oral proficiency and make your spoken German sound more natural and less like your German textbook.
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, May 30, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Back To The Basics (Part 3)
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to write. A great way to practice your written German is to find a German pen pal. You and your pen pal can write about a specific topic in his/her own words and then compare the versions. You should rewrite your paragraph several times making the corrections with each edit. This seems tedious but you'll see an improvement with your written German. When you want to learn how to speak German, writing in German not only gives you a "formal" grasp of German but it also will improve your grammar and vocabulary and hence overall proficiency in German.
Learn How To Speak German
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to write. A great way to practice your written German is to find a German pen pal. You and your pen pal can write about a specific topic in his/her own words and then compare the versions. You should rewrite your paragraph several times making the corrections with each edit. This seems tedious but you'll see an improvement with your written German. When you want to learn how to speak German, writing in German not only gives you a "formal" grasp of German but it also will improve your grammar and vocabulary and hence overall proficiency in German.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Back To The Basics (Part 2)
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to read. Most of us don't realise that when we are reading a text, we read sentence by sentence and not word for word. A sentence is several words in a specific sequence. It is the whole sequence that we subconsciously register. Therefore, just knowing the keywords in a sentence is enough to comprehend what you've read.
The same format should be applied when reading German. Language students usually make the mistake of reading slowly word by word thinking that they need to understand every word of the sentence in order to comprehend the text. This results in low comprehension despite a good knowledge of German vocabulary. When reading German, you should read the WHOLE sentence or clause at once and you'll learn how to speak German. Why? Because you'll be more quickly able to distinguish the sentence structure and also its meaning.
Learn How To Speak German
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to read. Most of us don't realise that when we are reading a text, we read sentence by sentence and not word for word. A sentence is several words in a specific sequence. It is the whole sequence that we subconsciously register. Therefore, just knowing the keywords in a sentence is enough to comprehend what you've read.
The same format should be applied when reading German. Language students usually make the mistake of reading slowly word by word thinking that they need to understand every word of the sentence in order to comprehend the text. This results in low comprehension despite a good knowledge of German vocabulary. When reading German, you should read the WHOLE sentence or clause at once and you'll learn how to speak German. Why? Because you'll be more quickly able to distinguish the sentence structure and also its meaning.
Learn How To Speak German
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Back To The Basics (Part 1)
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to listen. I'm sure that you have noticed the difference in your comprehension of German when you are listening to German-natives compared to listening to the "formal" audio software from your language course. This discrepancy should be addressed if you want to learn how to speak German fluently. Therefore, you must also try to listen to German spoken (on the radio, TV or amongst German-natives) so that you can get used to listening to "informal" (on the street) conversations amongst native German speakers. By using a more holistic approach to listening, you will be able to learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
One of the four main basic abilities you need to learn how to speak German is the ability to listen. I'm sure that you have noticed the difference in your comprehension of German when you are listening to German-natives compared to listening to the "formal" audio software from your language course. This discrepancy should be addressed if you want to learn how to speak German fluently. Therefore, you must also try to listen to German spoken (on the radio, TV or amongst German-natives) so that you can get used to listening to "informal" (on the street) conversations amongst native German speakers. By using a more holistic approach to listening, you will be able to learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Grammar 101
You don't have to move to Germany to learn how to speak German. Many people have the misconception that you can just move to Germany and learn the language perfectly within a year. This is not true. When learning a language you have to master the grammar. German grammar is not as difficult as many people believe and German tenses are easier to learn in comparison to English tenses. BUT you must practise. Practise is vital! You should find a German language-exchange partner for oral practise and you should find a German pen pal online such as www.abroadlanguages.com for writing practise. The more you practise the faster you can learn how to speak German. Good luck!
Learn How To Speak German
You don't have to move to Germany to learn how to speak German. Many people have the misconception that you can just move to Germany and learn the language perfectly within a year. This is not true. When learning a language you have to master the grammar. German grammar is not as difficult as many people believe and German tenses are easier to learn in comparison to English tenses. BUT you must practise. Practise is vital! You should find a German language-exchange partner for oral practise and you should find a German pen pal online such as www.abroadlanguages.com for writing practise. The more you practise the faster you can learn how to speak German. Good luck!
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Time To Catch Some Zzzzs
Still too busy to learn how to speak German? Don't worry, the German lessons you missed during the day can be learned during the night. How? You can learn how to speak German while you are asleep. Scientific research shows that listening to learning material during sleeping hours are effective ways to learn any subject easily. Sleep learning taps into your brain's source of creative and critical thinking ( a.k.a. your subconscious) allowing you to absorb information more quickly and effectively. All you need are any of your downloaded Audio lessons on your CD, iPod or mp3 player and you can learn how to speak German by absorbing that information each and every night while you sleep. Very cool. Give it a try and see for yourself.
Learn How To Speak German
Still too busy to learn how to speak German? Don't worry, the German lessons you missed during the day can be learned during the night. How? You can learn how to speak German while you are asleep. Scientific research shows that listening to learning material during sleeping hours are effective ways to learn any subject easily. Sleep learning taps into your brain's source of creative and critical thinking ( a.k.a. your subconscious) allowing you to absorb information more quickly and effectively. All you need are any of your downloaded Audio lessons on your CD, iPod or mp3 player and you can learn how to speak German by absorbing that information each and every night while you sleep. Very cool. Give it a try and see for yourself.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - The 4-1-1 To Learn How To Speak German Online
For those of you who want to learn to speak German online, the good news is that you have made a wise choice that is, only if your online course uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to help you learn. First, in order to learn German quickly, you must be self-motivated. Lack of motivation will result in wasting your money, time and your inability to learn how to speak German. Second, no matter how great your German teacher/tutor, German school or online course is, if you have no desire, you will not learn German. And lastly, research has shown that with motivation and desire you need to utilize learning and communication strategies to empower you to learn how to speak German fluently in the most sure-footed way.
Learning strategies are techniques used to improve learning, such as mnemonics or using a dictionary. You can implement any of the following learning strategies to further assist you to learn how to speak German:
1. Find out your learning style. Ask yourself this question, how do I learn or process information? Once you know how you receive and retain information, you will be able to find the learning activity that is best studied for your learning style. For example, I am a visual/tactile learner and I prefer to receive German vocabulary in the form of picture and then write the word under the picture. In this way, I will be more inclined to remember and learn German vocabulary. There is a wealth of information on how you can use various activities geared to your learning style such as Game software, flash cards, Audio lessons, etc. which any good online German course should include.
2. Find a community. If you learn how to speak German in a community with a positive attitude toward German, it can have a profound impact on your learning to speak German fluently. It is all about networking. You can find a German forum or study group or join an Austrian social club that can give you more exposure to use and hear German. Once again, a good online course should have the resources that allow you easy access to communicate with native-German speakers, fellow students and/or teachers.
Communicative strategies are techniques used to get the meaning across even when you have little or no knowledge of the language. To be able to communicate in German to native-German speakers, especially verbally, is vital.
· Using objects, pictures, mime are things that you can do to communicate on a basic level. This is a quick technique to build up your vocabulary especially if you are trying to say something but unable to find/recall the German word.
· Engaging in conversation is an excellent way to fine-tune your speaking, listening and comprehensive skills. You always should try to have conversation with an individual who is at a higher-level in German than you.
Remember that even if you are highly motivated but remain unwilling to use these strategies, your learning and progress of German will stagnate. Having a solid footing with an excellent German course plus these two strategies will assist you to eventually learn how to speak German fluently, quickly and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

For those of you who want to learn to speak German online, the good news is that you have made a wise choice that is, only if your online course uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to help you learn. First, in order to learn German quickly, you must be self-motivated. Lack of motivation will result in wasting your money, time and your inability to learn how to speak German. Second, no matter how great your German teacher/tutor, German school or online course is, if you have no desire, you will not learn German. And lastly, research has shown that with motivation and desire you need to utilize learning and communication strategies to empower you to learn how to speak German fluently in the most sure-footed way.
Learning strategies are techniques used to improve learning, such as mnemonics or using a dictionary. You can implement any of the following learning strategies to further assist you to learn how to speak German:
1. Find out your learning style. Ask yourself this question, how do I learn or process information? Once you know how you receive and retain information, you will be able to find the learning activity that is best studied for your learning style. For example, I am a visual/tactile learner and I prefer to receive German vocabulary in the form of picture and then write the word under the picture. In this way, I will be more inclined to remember and learn German vocabulary. There is a wealth of information on how you can use various activities geared to your learning style such as Game software, flash cards, Audio lessons, etc. which any good online German course should include.
2. Find a community. If you learn how to speak German in a community with a positive attitude toward German, it can have a profound impact on your learning to speak German fluently. It is all about networking. You can find a German forum or study group or join an Austrian social club that can give you more exposure to use and hear German. Once again, a good online course should have the resources that allow you easy access to communicate with native-German speakers, fellow students and/or teachers.
Communicative strategies are techniques used to get the meaning across even when you have little or no knowledge of the language. To be able to communicate in German to native-German speakers, especially verbally, is vital.
· Using objects, pictures, mime are things that you can do to communicate on a basic level. This is a quick technique to build up your vocabulary especially if you are trying to say something but unable to find/recall the German word.
· Engaging in conversation is an excellent way to fine-tune your speaking, listening and comprehensive skills. You always should try to have conversation with an individual who is at a higher-level in German than you.
Remember that even if you are highly motivated but remain unwilling to use these strategies, your learning and progress of German will stagnate. Having a solid footing with an excellent German course plus these two strategies will assist you to eventually learn how to speak German fluently, quickly and effectively.
Learn How To Speak German

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Working 9 to 5
Need a job? Or are you looking for a change or advancement in your present profession? Is your job secure? Now is the time to learn how to speak German because knowing German can give you better employment opportunities because German companies provide close to 700,000 jobs in the United States and visa versa. And most companies today are more inclined to choose the individual with German (and/or foreign language) skills over an equally qualified candidate. This is a very good thing to know and to keep you motivated to learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
Need a job? Or are you looking for a change or advancement in your present profession? Is your job secure? Now is the time to learn how to speak German because knowing German can give you better employment opportunities because German companies provide close to 700,000 jobs in the United States and visa versa. And most companies today are more inclined to choose the individual with German (and/or foreign language) skills over an equally qualified candidate. This is a very good thing to know and to keep you motivated to learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Lucky Number Three
On the world stage, 3 seems to be the lucky number for German. German is the 3rd most popular foreign language taught in the world. If you learn how to speak German, you will be able to connect with 120 million native speakers in countries like Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and in countries such as Russia, Romania and in regions northern Italy, eastern Belgium, eastern France. Germany has the 3rd largest economy in the world and is the economic leader of the European Union in exports. From BMWs to machinery and industrial equipment, from pharmaceuticals to household goods, German businesses earn 1 in 3 euros through export.
Learn How To Speak German
On the world stage, 3 seems to be the lucky number for German. German is the 3rd most popular foreign language taught in the world. If you learn how to speak German, you will be able to connect with 120 million native speakers in countries like Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and in countries such as Russia, Romania and in regions northern Italy, eastern Belgium, eastern France. Germany has the 3rd largest economy in the world and is the economic leader of the European Union in exports. From BMWs to machinery and industrial equipment, from pharmaceuticals to household goods, German businesses earn 1 in 3 euros through export.
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, April 4, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - It's All About Your Style
If you want to learn how to speak German, you must first identify your learning style. Each person has his/her own learning style and everyone learns at a different pace. You might find that you have a knack for grammar but have difficulty with speaking. Or you may find that you understand things perfectly with the audio lessons, but when it comes to the flash cards, you can't seem to recall the words. You should strive to identify your own personal strenghts and let these help you in your learning process as you learn how to speak German. If you are a visual learner, for example, write things down and try to associate words with images. In addition you should strive to identify your own personal learning barriers and make efforts to overcome them. For example, if you tend to procrastinate and often refrain from doing your lessons, force yourself to be more consistent with regards to your learning.
Learn How To Speak German
If you want to learn how to speak German, you must first identify your learning style. Each person has his/her own learning style and everyone learns at a different pace. You might find that you have a knack for grammar but have difficulty with speaking. Or you may find that you understand things perfectly with the audio lessons, but when it comes to the flash cards, you can't seem to recall the words. You should strive to identify your own personal strenghts and let these help you in your learning process as you learn how to speak German. If you are a visual learner, for example, write things down and try to associate words with images. In addition you should strive to identify your own personal learning barriers and make efforts to overcome them. For example, if you tend to procrastinate and often refrain from doing your lessons, force yourself to be more consistent with regards to your learning.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Re-inventing The Daily Grind
For those of you who have a long and dreary commute, you can lower your commuting stress by listening to the enjoyable German audio lessons that this program offers on your mp3, iPod or CD player. It is a fun way to learn how to speak German and before you know it, you have reached home/work and the commute seemed less long and dreary. It will be German learning time well spent.
Learn How To Speak German
For those of you who have a long and dreary commute, you can lower your commuting stress by listening to the enjoyable German audio lessons that this program offers on your mp3, iPod or CD player. It is a fun way to learn how to speak German and before you know it, you have reached home/work and the commute seemed less long and dreary. It will be German learning time well spent.
Learn How To Speak German
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Putting A Spring Back Into Your Step
Now that we are finally entering the wonderful season of spring, why not plan a holiday to Germany? There is no better way to improve your German than to immerse yourself in the German culture and while you are there you can talk to the locals. This will help you to learn how to speak German more effectively because you can listen to how they pronounce words and get a real feel for the German language.
How about visiting the Upper Middle Rhine Valley in the west of Germany, known as the Romantic Rhine region? It is also one of Germany's main international tourist attractions. The majestic River Rhine, lined with castles, palaces and medieval villages shrouded in the mystery of ancient sagas, winds its way through one of Germany's best wine-growing regions. It's an excellent setting to practice your German and embark on exciting new experiences.
Learn How To Speak German
Now that we are finally entering the wonderful season of spring, why not plan a holiday to Germany? There is no better way to improve your German than to immerse yourself in the German culture and while you are there you can talk to the locals. This will help you to learn how to speak German more effectively because you can listen to how they pronounce words and get a real feel for the German language.
How about visiting the Upper Middle Rhine Valley in the west of Germany, known as the Romantic Rhine region? It is also one of Germany's main international tourist attractions. The majestic River Rhine, lined with castles, palaces and medieval villages shrouded in the mystery of ancient sagas, winds its way through one of Germany's best wine-growing regions. It's an excellent setting to practice your German and embark on exciting new experiences.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Keeping It Real (Part II)
When you learn how to speak German we believe that the single-most determining factors to achieve fluency are desire and motivation. Like any artistic or musical talent, language systems click better with some learners. However, as with any new endeavor, learning German can be greatly enhanced with perseverance and practice. A fun way to learn how to speak German and stay motivated is to have a German day of the week. Pick any day of the week and do everything you say or write during that day in German. In this way, you will keep your learning fresh and maintain your interest in German.
Learn How To Speak German
When you learn how to speak German we believe that the single-most determining factors to achieve fluency are desire and motivation. Like any artistic or musical talent, language systems click better with some learners. However, as with any new endeavor, learning German can be greatly enhanced with perseverance and practice. A fun way to learn how to speak German and stay motivated is to have a German day of the week. Pick any day of the week and do everything you say or write during that day in German. In this way, you will keep your learning fresh and maintain your interest in German.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Keeping It Real (Part I)
If you want to learn how to speak German, you should always link your German language skills to your environment and daily tasks. Here is one way how you can improve your German by utilizing a simple memory technique: Label everything in your house in German with sticky notes or magnets to facilitate your retention for German vocabulary. The incorporation of this simple technique will certainly prove to be very fruitful as you learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
If you want to learn how to speak German, you should always link your German language skills to your environment and daily tasks. Here is one way how you can improve your German by utilizing a simple memory technique: Label everything in your house in German with sticky notes or magnets to facilitate your retention for German vocabulary. The incorporation of this simple technique will certainly prove to be very fruitful as you learn how to speak German.
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, February 29, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - To Learn Or Not To Learn
Even when you want to learn how to speak German with this excellent course, learning a new language always requires some effort and you can also 'fast-track'your language skills and acquisition of German by implementing the following:
Expanding your vocabulary through various German literature such as newpapers, books (ex. children books - for a start), poems, websites, blogs, etc. Practicing your grammar skills by writing German for example on your blog, e-mails, or Post-It notes at work.
These are some suggestions as to how YOU can learn how to speak German by fortifying your language skills.
Learn How To Speak German
Even when you want to learn how to speak German with this excellent course, learning a new language always requires some effort and you can also 'fast-track'your language skills and acquisition of German by implementing the following:
Expanding your vocabulary through various German literature such as newpapers, books (ex. children books - for a start), poems, websites, blogs, etc. Practicing your grammar skills by writing German for example on your blog, e-mails, or Post-It notes at work.
These are some suggestions as to how YOU can learn how to speak German by fortifying your language skills.
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, February 22, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Did You Know...
Here are some of the reasons why you should want to learn how to speak German in today's global community: German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union and the second most important language in the Sciences. Other reasons to entice you to want to learn how to speak German is that you can broaden your employment opportunities and increase your educational options. Also, being bilingual can even make you smater and (as recent studies suggest) slow down senility. Lastly, when you learn how to speak German, you can expand your horizons when travelling to German speaking countries.
Learn How To Speak German
Here are some of the reasons why you should want to learn how to speak German in today's global community: German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union and the second most important language in the Sciences. Other reasons to entice you to want to learn how to speak German is that you can broaden your employment opportunities and increase your educational options. Also, being bilingual can even make you smater and (as recent studies suggest) slow down senility. Lastly, when you learn how to speak German, you can expand your horizons when travelling to German speaking countries.
Learn How To Speak German
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Short & Simple - A Review
Whether you want to learn how to speak Germand because you want a higher paying job and being bilingual is the way to get it or because you're going to Germany, this course was designed with the user in mind. It's easy to follow and the system is amazingly effective. Because it's so interactive and is easy to download, you want to study the language. Unlike other programs that give you a thick book and a CD to listen to for pronunciation, this course makes it fun to learn how to speak German.
This course is designed for beginner to intermediate level German speakers. Its speed learning techniques rapildly enable you to absorb and remember obscene amounts of vocabulary in a fraction of the time taken by traditional “force it into your brain” methods.
The multimedia course is engaging and easy to understand, something anyone can benefit from. You can learn how to speak German by mixing fun memory games, like concentration, with language learning. The program also offers a vocabulary flash card game that has thousands of words programed into it. Oh yes, the dreaded verb conjugations! The German language is no exception. This course teachs verbs in a game format making this portion of language learning less tedious as you learn how to speak German.
Finally, with a six-day free trial, you've got nothing to lose!
Click Here For More Information On Learning German
Learn How To Speak German
Whether you want to learn how to speak Germand because you want a higher paying job and being bilingual is the way to get it or because you're going to Germany, this course was designed with the user in mind. It's easy to follow and the system is amazingly effective. Because it's so interactive and is easy to download, you want to study the language. Unlike other programs that give you a thick book and a CD to listen to for pronunciation, this course makes it fun to learn how to speak German.
This course is designed for beginner to intermediate level German speakers. Its speed learning techniques rapildly enable you to absorb and remember obscene amounts of vocabulary in a fraction of the time taken by traditional “force it into your brain” methods.
The multimedia course is engaging and easy to understand, something anyone can benefit from. You can learn how to speak German by mixing fun memory games, like concentration, with language learning. The program also offers a vocabulary flash card game that has thousands of words programed into it. Oh yes, the dreaded verb conjugations! The German language is no exception. This course teachs verbs in a game format making this portion of language learning less tedious as you learn how to speak German.
Finally, with a six-day free trial, you've got nothing to lose!
Click Here For More Information On Learning German
Learn How To Speak German
Friday, February 8, 2008
Learn How To Speak German
Learn How To Speak German - Welcome to the new blog
Welcome to our new blog where you will be able to learn how to speak German and expand your knowledge of the German culture. Over the weeks we will be adding articles and updates on useful techniques to learn how to speak German. Please keep coming back and checking for new information so that you can learn how to speak German.
The Deutchland Friends owns another blog on the ability to
learn german vocabulary
Learn How To Speak German
Welcome to our new blog where you will be able to learn how to speak German and expand your knowledge of the German culture. Over the weeks we will be adding articles and updates on useful techniques to learn how to speak German. Please keep coming back and checking for new information so that you can learn how to speak German.
The Deutchland Friends owns another blog on the ability to
learn german vocabulary
Learn How To Speak German
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